
Showing posts from 2020

No Reading Culture in Nigeria, No Economic Development

  No Reading Culture in Nigeria, No Economic Development

Quality Education Create Writers

  @katstokes_  unsplash Quality Education Create Writers Writing is like breathing – you breathe in air into your lungs and it does its job, then after, you breathe it out. You take in information through learning and you take out information through writing. You and others benefit from the writing and it lasts as a legacy for a long time after you are gone.   Writing is a Learned Skill not a nature’s gift   The history of writing is very fascinating. This skill didn’t just occur to humans in a sudden flash of inspiration, it was learned through trial and error over a long time period span of more than ten thousand years. Like everything invented, writing was necessitated by the need to communicate and interact in other ways other than face-to-face communication.     People need to communicate to others not just by face-to-face interaction, but by distance communication and passing of information through a medium even if the recipient is far away from the communicator. From communicati

What Lesson has Covid-19 Taught Nigerians Concerning Quality Education?

null   What Lesson has Covid-19 Taught Nigerians Concerning Quality Education? By Paul Nwosu There are many valuable lessons that the covid-19 has taught the whole world, and Nigeria particularly, has to learn about the importance of having quality education system and making it both available and accessible to every Nigerian child. We are lucky that the pandemic hasn't been as devastating as it has been to countries in colder climates. Nonetheless, our decayed education system has been exposed and we must learn to focus our energy toward this sector and revamp it. A resounding lesson Nigeria must learn from the covid-19 experience is that having high quality school systems is vital. The dreadful corona virus occurs at a time when high-quality education is gaining an increasing ground worldwide. Thus, people living in areas where high quality education predominates are tackling the pandemic more holistically than those living in areas where poor quality education predominates. Not

Quality Education Chases Corruption Away

  Quality Education Chases Corruption Away   Corruption usually happen in an environment of high level of negative traits. And positive attributes are the antidotes to combat negative traits. The problem of corruption which has permeated deep into Nigeria’s system can be chased away by the introduction of positive-traits-focused school system.   Corruption Indicates the Prevalent of Ignorant in the Society   Ignorant is a negative trait; a lack of awareness, a poor education situation, an inability to solve problems due to the lack of skills and knowledge by the people. Such condition is where corruption, which is an outcome of destabilized structure, festers and multiplies. Ignorant people don’t know how to solve their problems and they want them solved anyway. The result is often a corrupted form of solution. For example, a former governor of Lagos State desired to widen a road to allow for a freer flow of traffic. The problem was that to widen the road, houses must be pulled down. T

When Should Your Child Start School?

By Paul Nwosu 24 July 2020. The statement that babies do not have sense is absurd and silly. Even babies in the womb are learning already. They are hungry to learn and the ages of 0-8 years are crucial learning windows for children. This post touches on the point why the human baby should be exposed to formal education early, and also at what point should the education begin. S/he is just a baby? Research into human development has broaden our understanding about the stages of learning. New born babies come to the world fully equipped with the most powerful biological learning machine humans have known – the brain. With this powerful tool, babies rapidly learn and develop within the first eight years of life. However, adults look at these little bundle of learning beings as dumbs that do not know anything. Perhaps because little ones cannot speak, seems uninterested in lot things, cry a lot, need to be cared for, always hungry for food, and sleep most times. Nonetheless, it has been di

Will Nigeria’s Education System Ever Get Better?

Will Nigeria’s Education System Ever Get Better? The Nigeria’s education system becoming recognized as top-quality institution in the world may be a mirage . . . a dream. In view of the deep decay from the top to the bottom, it seems a far-flung objective to make our schools top-of-the-line academics. Let’s see the approach we can apply to begin rectifying the problem, and the solution options available for immediate implementation.   Solving a problem begins with identifying the problem   Scientists apply step-by-step scientific method to solve problem. Every problem can be confronted using this method. Observation is a key feature of this problem-solving process, and problems are identified when good observation is carried out first. Not being observant is one reason why Nigerians have failed to see that the culprit wreaking havoc in our society is the lack of quality education system. Getting people to see the problem is no easy task; however, reasoning along this line can help. In