
Showing posts from September, 2020

Quality Education Create Writers

  @katstokes_  unsplash Quality Education Create Writers Writing is like breathing – you breathe in air into your lungs and it does its job, then after, you breathe it out. You take in information through learning and you take out information through writing. You and others benefit from the writing and it lasts as a legacy for a long time after you are gone.   Writing is a Learned Skill not a nature’s gift   The history of writing is very fascinating. This skill didn’t just occur to humans in a sudden flash of inspiration, it was learned through trial and error over a long time period span of more than ten thousand years. Like everything invented, writing was necessitated by the need to communicate and interact in other ways other than face-to-face communication.     People need to communicate to others not just by face-to-face interaction, but by distance communication and passing of information through a medium even if the recipient is far away from the communicator. From communicati