
Showing posts from March, 2022

Flaws of the autocratic system of government

  Flaws of the autocratic system of government Skewed power balance is one of the hallmarks of autocrats. As power is concentrated on the leader, voices of dissent and other views are muffled. This leads to the condition that the autocrat has a disproportionate amount of influence over their followers. The autocrat demands absolute loyalty, complete obedience, and total acceptance of decisions made with no room for negotiation. Such huge control of others is a bedrock where corruption festers and strives. Since no one would question the autocrat, he assumes the position of utmost high. His utterances are decree and his followers must obey. Decisions that could result in bad consequences do go unchallenged. This situation often backfires to hurt the autocrat for in the state of assuming a supreme position, poor decisions with dare consequences which normally would be visible to non-autocrats, would be hidden from the autocrat. A lack of objective analysis of decisions becomes a cover to