
Showing posts from January, 2019

New Generation Idea Community: The New Generation Idea Community Needs your Suppo...

New Generation Idea Community: The New Generation Idea Community Needs your Suppo... : The New Generation Idea Community Needs your Support to Fully Kick-roll It. You and me, we all together can support the sta...
The New Generation Idea Community Needs your Support to Fully Kick-roll It. You and me, we all together can support the starting of the New Generation Idea Community Organization. The new generation idea community is an organization that aims at establishing high-performance school education institutions and also provide students with empowerment opportunities so that they earn as they learn. Starting up the new generation idea community organization require support from individuals, corporations, and the community. Every Nigerian is experiencing the terrible effects of the poor quality of our education system. Rich and poor, royals and common people, government officials and market sellers are all facing the consequences of poor achieving school education system. The rich are materially wealthy, but are they happily making use of the riches they have? Do they have a clear and untroubled conscience as they enjoy their riches? Are they paranoid and afraid that o
How can High Standard Education System Affect Our Transportation Sector?                                                                             Photo by  Paul IJsendoorn  from  Pexels You may ask, what does the transportation system has to do with the education system? Is it not for someone to buy a vehicle, register it in the commercial registration numbers, perhaps paint on the state’s public transport colors, register with National Union of Road Transport Workers  (NURTW), get fixed into a plying route, get a bus conductor, and then—boom— the hustle continues. Another one of commercial transport vehicle has just been added to the transportation sector, and the hustle continues. If only that the problems of the transportation system in our country are solved by the scenario described above, then the transportation sector will have no problem at all. People who have little or no idea of other transportation modes, as practiced in the developed countries, wou
Comparative analysis of a nation with a high standard school system with a nation with a low standard school system. This comparative analysis is between Japan and Nigeria. I will introduce them briefly before I delve into a full-blown analysis of their education systems. This education system analysis will include the school system, school framework, subjects area which the school systems focus on, school administrative bodies and their responsibilities, and the outcomes of the school system. Japan is a nation of 126.7 million citizens as at 2017, and its area is 377,973 km square. Its 2018 GDP estimate is $5.0 trillion, with $40,106 per capita income. Japan is the third largest economy in the world just behind China. According to the Tokyo International Communication Committee's website, "Children who have their 6th birthday on or before April 1 enter the first grade of elementary school that year". Japanese kids undergo compulsory elementary to junior
Characteristics of High Standard School Education in the community Well-structured organizational arrangement Well-built buildings that are a conducive environment for learning Availability of high-quality learning and teaching materials Properly trained teachers Detailed teaching framework  Well-crafted plan of action and the involvement of all stakeholders —teachers, school administration boards, government, parents, community, and students. Accessibility of high standard school system to all children inclusive of children from the low-income family. Continuous research and improvement of the school system and effective monitoring of the school system to maintain and improve the standard of education.  Competing with other world-class high effective school institutions. Well-structured funding arrangement from the collective pool of stakeholders. Let us now elaborate a little on each of these ideas: Well-structured organizational arrangement — All organi
What is the difference between education and high standard of school education? Education and high standard school education are as different as their literal meaning. Background existence of education leads to high standard education, and the opposite of high standard education is low standard education or poor education standard. Education is an assimilation of information to the brain through all the sense organs and the retention of these pieces of information in the brain’s massive memory for utilization. There are mainly two states of education—formal and informal education. Formal education has to do with the knowledge acquired from organized places of knowledge acquisitions —school institutions, religious organizations, and non-institutionalized learning organizations, like places of skill acquisitions, etc. An informal aspect of education is other bits of knowledge acquired on daily basis through communication, sight, smell, hearing, speaking, touching, etc. High standar
  New Generation Idea Community The new generation idea community is about reforming the education sector from the appalling state it is currently to a high efficient quality-driven system. The new generation idea community was born out of necessity. Necessity as said is the mother of all invention. When there's a need for a particular problem to be solved, then an idea is often born to solve it. It's a confirmation to the belief that idea creators often see problems as opportunities to create solutions. In the case of the new generation idea community, its main aim is to solve a perplexing problem in the education sector.  The vision behind the idea of the New Generation Idea Community (NGIC) was born out of necessity. It's my vision for all the Nigerian students to be adequately educated qualitatively. It has become imperative for Nigerian students to be well educated in well-structured academic institutions and in a well-organized school system. High-qual