High-quality education is our key to efficient government system

High-quality education is our key to efficient government system

High-quality education is the key catalyst to a nation’s development. A nation that has high quality and well-structured school system develops fast. Our problems which include poor governance and poor standard of living can change with the help of well-structured and high-efficient school system.

High Standard education would affect our system of government. We are running a federal system of government which the office of the president, the executive arm of the government, is the highest seat of governance. There’re two other arms of government, the judiciary, and the legislation. These three arms of government work together to provide the nation with the leadership and structure for its progressive movement.

In a well-functioning system of government, these three arms ought to work smoothly, transparently, and well-ordinated in carrying out their duties. The elective position of the president would run on the background of strong political party ideology. The people being members of political parties would support the party with strong and agreeable ideologies. They would understand the problem that their party wants to solve, and they would have seen how elected members of their political party have been working hard to proffer solution to the problems. Hence, they would provide their full support.

As the president would work both to better the nation and to actualize his party’s ideologies, the people would take note of his actions. They would hold him accountable. So the president would have no other option but to fulfill the ideologies he/she promises the people.

The judiciary would stand to ascertain that the rule of law is always followed and that no one subjugates or intimidates others by misusing the power of their elective position. A well-educated team of attorneys manning this vital organ of government would apply checks on the politicians so as to uphold the rule of law.                 

The legislative arm of the government of a high-quality education setting looks out to fulfill the needs of the people who voted them into representative or senatorial position and they push up bills that would uplift the well beings of the electorates. As members of political parties, they’re aware of what their fellow party members are canvassing for, so when elected, they would work to bring to life laws that solve their problems.

For example, the German’s Alliance 90/The Greens party members advocated for sustainable economic development along the path of ecological preservation. When the members were elected into political offices, they followed up on bills that are strongly in accord with their party’s ideologies of making Germany more greener.

Well-Coordination of these three arms of government help to drive in the dividend of democracy evenly to the masses, and the nation moves forward. To create a government that is efficient, the background enlightenment of the masses is essential. High-quality education gives the people skills, empowerment, awareness, and problem-solving know-how in support of the governing body.

The outcome of an effective education system is seen in all the facets of a nation’s well-being. There are transparent and accountable governance system, well-management of the economic system, availability of skilfully engaged citizens, equal opportunities to everyone, increased infrastructural development and adequate provision of social amenities to the populace.

Improvement of the living standard of the masses would increase as the more humane leaders would invest in the human capital development of their citizens. Budget allocation to education and research would be high. If the citizens are becoming unemployed, the system would provide empowerment opportunities to them. If there's a deficiency in housing, the system would provide opportunities for affordable housing.

Like our West African neighbor, Ghana, who’re enjoying the immense benefits of a quality education system, we too can enjoy that. Ghana’s government system has been improved due to its emphasis on adequate education of its citizens. Its citizens are becoming more skillful and well-enlightened, and that translates to increased economic growth. It’s said that facts and figures don’t lie, here are some facts on Ghana’s economic progress as a middle-income country.

If we as a nation do not restructure our academic system to make it high-efficient, our arms of government would hardly be set aright. they would continue to wobble to our detriment. High-quality education is our only means of straightening and deepening out democratic government, and also only means of empowering ourselves. We can become the true giant of Africa and lift ourselves up from the current predicaments we are in just as Ghana did and still doing.


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