The First meeting of the New Generation Idea Community has just been held

The First meeting of the New Generation Idea Community has just been held

Bringing an idea from the mind to reality is not an easy task. It’s hard work, it’s consistency, it’s sleepless nights, it’s trial and error, it’s disappointments, it’s never-give-up attitude, and it’s outright perseverance. But the joy of watching your hard-work take a life of itself exceeds all the predicaments passed through on the way to success.

New Generation Idea Community started out as an idea I wrote about on my yet-to-be-published book. It’s about the need for high standard school education to be made available and accessible to every child. Especially Nigerian children deserve academies that ensue with high-quality teaching and learning.

The decadence in our school system is the reason why we are experiencing degraded living standard. If we had a high-quality school system, we would definitely be among the top industrialized nations. But we are among the poor countries of the world despite the huge mineral deposits we have. We just cannot utilize these gifts of nature to lift ourselves out of poverty because we have no knowledge of what to do.

To acquire the knowledge of what to do is the major duty of the school system. Unfortunately, our school system is poor and does not know how to rectify itself. The leadership organization, on the other hand, is heavily affected by the degrade school system. It’s a product of the degraded school system and as such, a degraded entity it has become.

Hoping that the leadership would one day wake up to solve the malaise of the school system is just a ‘hopeful wish’. However, if the nation continues to maintain the democratic system we are in, there could be gradual re-awakening. But it would be better, easier, and faster if individuals who realize the deepness of the problem should take well-accentuated steps to remedy the problem. I thought of what I can do, how I can add my little support so that the school system and the leadership bodies would wake up from their slumber.

What came out is the New Generation Idea Community. This is the coming forward of individuals whose aim and purpose is to set up super schools. Yes, super academies.

This is a gigantic dream, but the dream is becoming a reality. As of Saturday, March 16th, 2019, we had the first official meeting of members, and we agreed to support the setting up of an online e-commerce used-and-new bookstore.

The purpose of this platform is to make a profit which would be used to start-up ten other businesses. All these businesses would provide the needed fund, model, and opportunities for the establishment and running of the supper schools.

Yes, it’s true that dreams can come to life. Follow us, be part of us, support us and let’s build Nigeria into a great nation.

The online bookselling platform would soon be up and running, so be among the first people to make a purchase. Thank you in advance for your patronage.


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