Lessons from countries with high-quality education system.

Lessons from countries with high-quality education system.

Everyone knows that basic school education is important. It's vital to also note that the practice of basic education is actually found in almost all the nations of the world; however, the practice of high-quality education system is found in only a few nations.

This statement, “Education has the potential to become one of the most powerful catalysts for development in the years ahead, serving as a bridge from poverty to prosperity, from exclusion to participation, from division to understanding. Improved education is associated with many positive developments, including fewer child marriages, lower death rates among children under the age of five and mothers during childbirth, more effective HIV prevention, higher wages, and greater economic growth. As the challenges we face grow more daunting than ever, more and better education will be the key to confronting them”, by Irina Georgieva Bokova on her article on World Economic Forum website, titled How can we achieve a quality education for allwhich hit on some of the benefits that high-quality education can bring to a nation.

All the nations that have a high-quality education system also have an education that is knowledge/experiment based. The data on Ourworldindata website testify, in measurable details, the difference there are between countries with high performing school education and countries with a low standard of the education system.

Now let’s take a look at ten nations that have a high-quality education system. According to data from Banboneirubek.com website, the list goes like this.

The East Asians cleared the first four positions with South Korea leading the pack. Japan came second, Singapore third, and Hong Kong fourth.
Then we see Finland in the fifth position. Well, Finland was once the leader of the pack of well-structured and high performing school system nations, but now the first position has been taken away from them by their Asian rivals.

U.K is on the sixth position, Canada seventh, Netherland eight, Ireland ninth, and Poland tenth.

Among these ten nations are common practices that lead to high efficiency of their education systems.

 They realise the importance of quality education, and their accomplishments validates the World Bank statement on its education web page video’s foot statement titled, Right Now, Somewhere…Building Human Capital Through Education, that, “[e]ducation helps build the human capital that allows people and societies to thrive”.

With this important idea grabbed, they work hard to create enabling environment that high performing school system can thrive on.

They provided systems of assessing, measuring, and monitoring the progress in the education sector in their country.

They invested heavily on the education of their citizens and provided a well-structured framework that geared the education sector toward a positive outcome.

They provided equal opportunities to their students so that everyone will have an equal chance of being their best.

The data on Education Statistics web page of World Bank website shows the level of hard work and commitment these nations have put into heightening the standard of their school system to a very high level.

The eventual outcome of their hard work is glaringly seen on the much-improved living standard of the citizens.

Nigeria can copy them, and just as the East Asians copied the Europeans, and even beat them on their game, we in Nigeria can work to rectify our degraded school system to become as strong and high quality as those of South Korea, Japan, Singapore, Finland.


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