
Showing posts from May, 2020

Who Is the Government?

To answer this question, I will define these following terms: Government, Federal system of government, a Republic, and Democracy. Government is defined as a process of governing or ruling or administering authority on a political unit. Federal system of government is a style of government where group of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central government and still have a measure of autonomy to rule. The key words here are; group of states – or union of states acknowledging a central government. Federal is a connotation of the word federate (league, union, association). The states in a federal system of government are in a union and they have a measure of power or autonomy. A republic is a political order where the head of a state is elected by the citizen’s vote, and it’s in contrast to monarchy where the head of state is an absolute ruler or a sole ruler like a king or an emperor. Democracy is a system of government where people are rul
Are You Concerned that Nigeria is a Poor Country Despite Huge Natural and Human Resources It Has? A poor country is one whose output level is below its production possibility curve (maximum production level). Such a country would rely on importation of goods and services to make up for the demands of goods and services it cannot produce. Its reliance on importation affects its investment, its GDP, its currency interest rate, and the unemployment rate.  Since it buys more than it sells, it must exist with less as less is what it can afford. Therefore, the level of equality would increase, the gap between the rich and the poor would be wide. Nigeria fits into this definition perfectly well. Now, the painful point is, why is Nigeria, a country with huge human and natural resources, producing less than its production capacity? How do economically developed nations produce within its maximum production capacity? Lack of quality education system is the reason why the c
Honestly, Nigeria's Problem is a Problem of Massive Ignorance People ask, what's wrong with Nigeria? Why? It has huge mineral and human resources, and yet, it is the world's poverty capital? They say leadership is the problem, and others say the people are the problem. Some, still say that the white men should be blamed for the contraption of varied ethnicities and call it Nigeria. Well, note this today, Nigeria's problem is a problem of massive ignorance. What is ignorance? It could be defined as the state of being uneducated, unaware, or not knowing. What you don't know, you're ignorant of it. Now, assume that you don't know how to bake a cake, you're ignorant of the knowledge of cake baking. If you don't know how to produce huge quantities of food using latest scientific methods and modern technology for the hungry masses, you're ignorant of the knowledge. It does not matter if there are huge number of graduates leaving schools or if