Honestly, Nigeria's Problem is a Problem of Massive Ignorance

People ask, what's wrong with Nigeria? Why? It has huge mineral and human resources, and yet, it is the world's poverty capital? They say leadership is the problem, and others say the people are the problem. Some, still say that the white men should be blamed for the contraption of varied ethnicities and call it Nigeria. Well, note this today, Nigeria's problem is a problem of massive ignorance.

What is ignorance? It could be defined as the state of being uneducated, unaware, or not knowing.

What you don't know, you're ignorant of it. Now, assume that you don't know how to bake a cake, you're ignorant of the knowledge of cake baking. If you don't know how to produce huge quantities of food using latest scientific methods and modern technology for the hungry masses, you're ignorant of the knowledge. It does not matter if there are huge number of graduates leaving schools or if there are schools in every communities, as long as they are not producing problem solvers, they are producing ignorant products.Same can be followed if you have thousands that graduate from universities, yet they can't build bridges, construct roads, run standard accounting management of public sector assets, build institutions for sound policy making and good governance, then, they're ignorant of those knowledge, and the schools are found wanting.

Solution to ignorance problem is redefining the school system so that the schools would no longer generate ignorant-ridden masses, instead, generate high-skilled individuals who are armed with the knowledge and skills to solve Nigeria's problems.

If the schools from preschools to nurseries, to primaries, to secondaries, and the universities are effectively performing in top-notch quality, the masses leaving these schools would be high-skilled and adequately groomed to tackle the problems facing the nation.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.


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