Are You Concerned that Nigeria is a Poor Country Despite Huge Natural and Human Resources It Has?

A poor country is one whose output level is below its production possibility curve (maximum production level). Such a country would rely on importation of goods and services to make up for the demands of goods and services it cannot produce. Its reliance on importation affects its investment, its GDP, its currency interest rate, and the unemployment rate.

 Since it buys more than it sells, it must exist with less as less is what it can afford. Therefore, the level of equality would increase, the gap between the rich and the poor would be wide.

Nigeria fits into this definition perfectly well. Now, the painful point is, why is Nigeria, a country with huge human and natural resources, producing less than its production capacity? How do economically developed nations produce within its maximum production capacity?

Lack of quality education system is the reason why the country cannot produce at maximum production capacity. Quality education of masses is how economically developed countries grow their economy. By administering quality to every of their citizens, developed nations create population of high-skilled workers who engage on numerous production ventures.

As a result of increased production, exportation grows, investment increases, currency value becomes strong, GDP rises, unemployment lowers, inequality gap closes and poverty reduces. A good look at affluent nation’s education system, one would see a formidable and complex system that is powerful and well-advanced. All the essential components, the system for quality education materials, system for academic curriculum/framework formulation, system for teachers/instructors training and retraining, system for monitoring, system for funding, system for research and development, system for academic complex construction, and etc, are all working effectively among themselves to produce students who are adequately equipped to tackle problems.

If there are high-quality institutions that delivers education at its best to Nigerian people, the people would easily know how to harness their natural resources which are in abundant for the economical development of the nation. The leaders would apply measures to effectively employ the human capita resources.

Now, Nigeria possessing amazing potentials is a poor country with huge natural and human resources that it does not know how to tap. Poor quality education system is the major culprit.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.


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