Who Is the Government?

To answer this question, I will define these following terms: Government, Federal system of government, a Republic, and Democracy.
Government is defined as a process of governing or ruling or administering authority on a political unit.
Federal system of government is a style of government where group of states recognizes the sovereignty of a central government and still have a measure of autonomy to rule. The key words here are; group of states – or union of states acknowledging a central government. Federal is a connotation of the word federate (league, union, association). The states in a federal system of government are in a union and they have a measure of power or autonomy.
A republic is a political order where the head of a state is elected by the citizen’s vote, and it’s in contrast to monarchy where the head of state is an absolute ruler or a sole ruler like a king or an emperor.
Democracy is a system of government where people are ruled either by directly ruling themselves or by indirectly electing representatives. The Greeks borrowed this idea from Persia. They coined the word Demo Kartia, meaning, People Power or Rule.
Understanding the definitions of the above terms is important so that when you come across the name, The Federal Republic of Nigeria, you’ll know what it means. It simply means that Nigeria is a nation of group of states with a central authority which each of the states possesses a measure of power or autonomy. It also means that the country is a republic where the head of state, the president, is the voted into office by the people. Hence, it’s a democracy.
As a democratic nation, the people of Nigeria possess strong power and influence. They ought to determine their leaders or representatives by vote. They ought to subject their leaders to solve their problems. The power ought to be to the people not the representatives who were voted into office.
What constitute power? Plato, a Greek Philosopher, asserts that the uneducated populace fail to know what their problem is and that they cannot be trusted with the responsibility of determining what is good to the whole. This leads to an obvious conclusion that without high quality education, the people cannot adequately exercise their role of influencing their leaders to bid for their welfare.
So as Nigeria is a democratic republic, it would take the power of high quality education system to influence the people to hold their elected representatives accountable. As of now, the poor quality of education menace has affected the people that they seem to lose their influential power over their elected leaders. The government which should be the people’s government is not so anymore.

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