
Showing posts from February, 2019

35 Amazing Science Websites your kids can learn from

35 Amazing Science Websites your kids can learn from Dkfindout An awesome online learning platform for kids, check on it to confirm for yourself.       2. To know about places, things on land, things in the water, natural phenomenon, and others visit this site.         3.  ACS A supporting chemistry teaching and learning tool, and there're free materials to download are available.        4.  NASA kids club Incredible platform for activities kids would engage with and learn from.         5. Nova Over five million monthly views on PBS stations in the U.S, Nova is well known as everything science documentary website. View rich online science videos for a deeper understanding of scientific topics.           6.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a resourceful website by the U.S government that offers tremendous researche
What Can be Done to  Permanently  Eradicate Unemployment and Poverty From Nigeria? Do you think it’s possible for unemployment and poverty to be completely effaced out from Nigeria? Some may think that it’s only God that can do that. How can permanent poverty eradication be possible? They wonder. A number of government regimes have tried, and poverty is even worse, so who would solve the problem? What would the person use to eradicate poverty? They ask. However, be assured that humans through reformation of their school system had conquered severe cases of these problems elsewhere, and we can conquer ours. If one or more of these thoughts are going on in your mind, well, why not give yourself benefit of the doubt? Read this article, and even though you disagree with the message, what stops you from commenting on how baseless the idea is? By commenting, people would see your viewpoint and some would agree with you. I will also compliment your idea even if I may not agree with y

Terrorism, Senseless killings, Boko Haram, What is the way forward for Nigeria?

Terrorism, Senseless killings, Boko Haram , What is the way forward for Nigeria? No one can say for certain when humans began to kill each other, but logic tells that humans' population has been a major factor why people kill others. Studies of the primitive people who live with little or no civilization and in small groups show that they hardly kill themselves.  Some other primitive people who are many in population and who have neighbors are usually found to be fighting each other so as to defend their territories, and such squabble usually leads to the death of one or more people. There are historical facts that tell of how more populous people of the past engaged in warfare mainly for the purposes of territorial defense and territorial expansion. Scuffles for territory which led to warfare also led to the invention of different war tools, artilleries, ammunition, and war tactics. Human invented terrible ways to kill members of their own species as well as cause

Will Nigeria Ever Be A Corrupt-Free Country?

Will Nigeria Ever Be A Corrupt-Free Country? The world is concerned about the appalling effects of corruption and how corruption is among the problems increasing the terrible effects of poverty. A report by the World Bank on corruption describes the activity as one of the most serious obstacles facing the world and it impedes the sustainable development goal. Nigeria is sitting at number 144 in the world Corruption Perception Index published annually by Transparency International . It was alleged that someone, a former INEC chief, ate a bribe from opposition party leader and sold the 2015 votes to the opposition party. The party becomes the leading political party that is currently ruling. Has corruption gone so deep that the decision of millions of Nigerians can just be bought with a few billions of naira? How could millions of Nigerians watch their stake being carted away by a couple of individuals who are materially wealthy? Is this not a full blown effect of ignora
Do You Know that the Primary Education our Kids Receive can be Improved to Higher Effectivity and Multiple-skills Imbibing? In contrast to the current educational practices in Nigeria where students in the primary level of education are exposed to mainly rudimentary or as commonly known basic education, the elementary schools can be more effective and more practical-knowledge and multiple-skills imbibing. Today's primary school pupils can read to some appreciative level, they can solve basic math problems, they can understand basic science ideas and scientific methods, they can speak well using some complex words. They can write and some can compose good prose and essays, they can us atlas map to identify a location, they can express themselves in creative and expressive arts, and they can open up their emotional feelings to adults that they trust. These are among the skills that some elementary school students are currently gaining. Meanwhile, the students from

Organizational Changes Necessary for High Efficient School Education in Nigeria

Organizational Changes Necessary for High Efficient School Education system in Nigeria In other f or Nigeria to set its system of education reformed and for the system to exude high intelligence outcome, there must be foundational changes. The government can carry on a serious reformation in which all the public schools would need structural and organizational reformation. The top decision-makers on education matters, the federal ministry of education and the education boards, need to be reformed and reset. The reformation would start from the drafting of effective guideline which would adequately emphasize the roles that these control bodies need to perform in order to achieve the goal of creating a strong academic system. The position for members of the leadership board, would be available strictly on merit, and the leaderships’ activities would be transparent, and well checked to avoid abuse of structural arrangement. The members would follow and adhere to
Why Are The Majority of Professors in Nigeria Less Creative? Getting to the level of being a Professor, a Ph.D. degree holder, is not a walk in the park. The journey starts from parents who are educated and are willing to see their kids achieve a topmost level of degree acquisition. The parent of a would-be professor would have followed up their dream by setting up a future plan of how their child would be schooled especially from elementary level to the graduate level of the university education as it is the case here in Nigeria and some other countries. Then a bachelorette can continue to push further to acquire a Masters degree and finally a Ph.D. The postgraduate learning courses that eventually produces a professor are usually focused majorly on research and deeper studies.  Ph.D. degrees holders are expected to use their enormous knowledge to proffer solutions to problems bordering the area of their studies which relate to the challenges the society fac

3rd Feb 2019, thank you all

Why is it Imperative for Nigeria to Set-up a System that Sees its Students Get High Standard of Education? In view of the fact that schools are not efficient here in Nigeria, and many of our teachers are not thoroughly trained to imbibe high academic excellence to students, what are the consequences of the poor standard of the education system? The less thorough education system students are exposed to is a cause of serious concern. Students are humans and humans are driven by their higher intellectual capacity as they possess the brain. The brain functions by absorbing information from the environment where it exists, and it stores the information in a massive storage memory, it then uses the information to solve problems. If the brain is exposed to quality information it gets quality, but if it is exposed to mediocre and shallow knowledge it becomes poor in functioning and it assumes the duty of control. Its control is haphazard without well