Organizational Changes Necessary for High Efficient School Education in Nigeria

Organizational Changes Necessary for High Efficient School Education system in Nigeria

In other for Nigeria to set its system of education reformed and for the system to exude high intelligence outcome, there must be foundational changes. The government can carry on a serious reformation in which all the public schools would need structural and organizational reformation.

The top decision-makers on education matters, the federal ministry of education and the education boards, need to be reformed and reset. The reformation would start from the drafting of effective guideline which would adequately emphasize the roles that these control bodies need to perform in order to achieve the goal of creating a strong academic system.

The position for members of the leadership board, would be available strictly on merit, and the leaderships’ activities would be transparent, and well checked to avoid abuse of structural arrangement.

The members would follow and adhere to stipulated principles and rules with detrimental consequences to defaulters. The rules and guidelines would outline the roles and duties each member would carry out as well as the extent of their activities in relation to others so as to avoid improper interference on others activities. Irrelevant repetition of roles and activities by different departments and offices should be eliminated.

The education ministry's function would be clear and its duties would be monitored by both the education board and the school institutions. The education's board members would have their roles well cut-out so that each member is utmost efficient in doing his/her duties. Then they would likewise be watched by the ministry of education and the academies.

The school, which would include all member of the school organization along with students and their parents would have their role well drafted. And the education board along with the ministry of education would ensure that everyone does his or her part to make the education system work. 

Obviously, the system is a complex one, but it only requires efficient organizational arrangement, effective implementation of control measure, hard-work, transparency, and proper fund management.

If the government does not have the will to reorganize the structural arrangement of the education system in a similar pattern suggested on the passage, then, can we not do something about it? Will we lose hope and let the system go on continuously? 

To vision formidable academic institutions and realizing the vision is not an easy task. Nevertheless, humanity had done greater things out of sheer vision.

To go to the moon was once an enormous vision which was once considered to be mission-impossible, but today humans not only had explored the moon, they are on the verge of landing on Mars. Hence, the most essential requirement for a dream to come true is hard-work and a clear set-out path toward achieving a goal.

The goal is to establish institutions to educate kids in Nigeria qualitatively so that they can compete with their counterparts in advanced societies. All kids in Nigeria deserve high standard schooling irrespective of the income capabilities of their parents and guardians.

Thus this goal can be achieved if all well-meaning Nigerians, who desire that the nation is out of poverty line in a short time of about two decades, would work together to make high quality schooling a reality.

Forums would be formed; conventions need to be set-up; seminars and gatherings are among the necessary approach to strategically harness the minds of intellectuals who would work in effective synergy to actualize the high standard of the education system goal.

Of course, the new school system would run concurrently with the existing system, but it would be extra-high standard in orientation and function. 

The establishment of the new school system and its smooth running would gradually expand and eventually take over the responsibility of adequate schooling of Nigerian students from the current malfunctioning school education system. However, a number of privately owned schools that are well established and are dispensing education quality that is high, would be strong enough to form a competitive atmosphere with the new school system.

Let this dream roll on and out, let Nigerian school system be top-notch and among the world high-ranking school systems before 2030. Let's seek for ways to create the school system that we all would be proud of.


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