Do You Know that the Primary Education our Kids Receive can be Improved to Higher Effectivity and Multiple-skills Imbibing?

In contrast to the current educational practices in Nigeria where students in the primary level of education are exposed to mainly rudimentary or as commonly known basic education, the elementary schools can be more effective and more practical-knowledge and multiple-skills imbibing.

Today's primary school pupils can read to some appreciative level, they can solve basic math problems, they can understand basic science ideas and scientific methods, they can speak well using some complex words. They can write and some can compose good prose and essays, they can us atlas map to identify a location, they can express themselves in creative and expressive arts, and they can open up their emotional feelings to adults that they trust.

These are among the skills that some elementary school students are currently gaining.
Meanwhile, the students from high-income homes, whose parents can afford high-priced schools are the main beneficiaries of high-quality schools that can develop the skills described above. But the majority of the populace whose kids attend public schools apparently lack in many of those skills in which their counterparts whose parents are financially buoyant acquire.

Now the problem is, can the primary level of education still be improved? And can the kids who do not have the opportunity to be given high standard primary school education be helped?

The primary schools can be an education learning stage where children experience all-round development and they can be given the skills to survive comfortably even if they choose not to further their education into other higher forms of learning.

Elementary level students can be well-groomed so that they know how to read, write, and speak well. They can critically and logically put their ideas in writing, and they can orally communicate efficiently. 

Being well-groomed in communication skills, they could let out their ideas to others through writing, speech delivery, and other communication measures like publishing in a school's Gazette or community newspaper.

Elementary schools can develop kids to have a broad knowledge of their surrounding, their community, and even their nation as well as the world.

Well-grounded elementary school pupils can be helped to write and publish books. Well, I mean a new education system that will provide students with a well-structured environment that develop them.

A system of education that would give kids ideas, skills, knowledge and also to help them to put in the knowledge learned into good use to the overall benefits of humanity.

In this education setting, students could be helped to develop in accord with what they are good at. Then the institution would help them on an individual level to put out outstanding products and services that the community can benefit from. 

Students can create basic electronic gadgets, tools, instruments, devices, etc; they can design, draw, paint; they can write computer programs; they can perform songs, music, dance, among other expressive and creative arts. 
The students can be helped to know all about their government system especially their local government. 

They may go on excursions to their local government secretariats, where they would be shown around, and they can give creative arts presents, and can also perform expressive concerts to entertain the council members.

 The kids would be urged to partake in community projects and active participants of activities going on their communities, for instance, they can engage themselves in street beautification, street flower planting, and tree planting.

The knowledge they acquire can be useful to them to make income from. The learning institution would guide them to practically apply their knowledge to the benefit of the public and earn. Through what they earn, they can pay off their relatively high school fees. 

The other problem of kids from low-income homes who are not being able to have a good chance of gaining high standard of education skills can be solved by creating a community-support school system in which funds can be sourced from the community pool. 

Community-support school system works like this, members of a community form a union which its aim is to work in harmony with one another so that each member would benefit from the support of his/her neighbor. Members have an equal stake in the community project, and all members are obligated to input his/her mandatory input in the common goal.

Since all members have a stake in the out-working of the community's project, they will work to see that their effort is well utilized and that the activities of the union are transparent.

Among the aim of the community-union is to create a high-quality school system, all the members need to be fully aware of what well structured and effective school system is. 

Gatherings, workshops, seminars, books, pamphlets, videos, newspaper writings, radio/t.v programs, concerts, etc will be avenues to enlighten community members what high school education entails, and how school institutions should provide high standard education among others.

Hence, every child in the community can have an equal opportunity of high standard school education. Members of the community would be assisted to have income earning opportunity so as to dutifully support community projects which high standard form of education is practiced.


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