
The First meeting of the New Generation Idea Community has just been held

The First meeting of the New Generation Idea Community has just been held Bringing an idea from the mind to reality is not an easy task. It’s hard work, it’s consistency, it’s sleepless nights, it’s trial and error, it’s disappointments, it’s never-give-up attitude, and it’s outright perseverance. But the joy of watching your hard-work take a life of itself exceeds all the predicaments passed through on the way to success. New Generation Idea Community started out as an idea I wrote about on my yet-to-be-published book. It’s about the need for high standard school education to be made available and accessible to every child. Especially Nigerian children deserve academies that ensue with high-quality teaching and learning. The decadence in our school system is the reason why we are experiencing degraded living standard. If we had a high-quality school system, we would definitely be among the top industrialized nations. But we are among the poor countries of the world des

High-quality education is our key to efficient government system

High-quality education is our key to efficient government system High-quality education is the key catalyst to a nation’s development. A nation that has high quality and well-structured school system develops fast. Our problems which include poor governance and poor standard of living can change with the help of well-structured and high-efficient school system. High Standard education would affect our system of government. We are running a federal system of government which the office of the president, the executive arm of the government, is the highest seat of governance. There’re two other arms of government, the judiciary, and the legislation. These three arms of government work together to provide the nation with the leadership and structure for its progressive movement. In a well-functioning system of government, these three arms ought to work smoothly, transparently, and well-ordinated in carrying out their duties. The elective position of the president would r

Lessons from countries with high-quality education system.

Lessons from countries with high-quality education system. Everyone knows that basic school education is important. It's vital to also note that the practice of basic education is actually found in almost all the nations of the world; however, the practice of high-quality education system is found in only a few nations. This statement, “ Education has the potential to become one of the most powerful catalysts for development in the years ahead, serving as a bridge from poverty to prosperity, from exclusion to participation, from division to understanding. Improved education is associated with many positive developments, including fewer child marriages, lower death rates among children under the age of five and mothers during childbirth, more effective HIV prevention, higher wages, and greater economic growth. As the challenges we face grow more daunting than ever, more and better education will be the key to confronting them”, by  Irina Georgieva Bokova on her artic

35 Amazing Science Websites your kids can learn from

35 Amazing Science Websites your kids can learn from Dkfindout An awesome online learning platform for kids, check on it to confirm for yourself.       2. To know about places, things on land, things in the water, natural phenomenon, and others visit this site.         3.  ACS A supporting chemistry teaching and learning tool, and there're free materials to download are available.        4.  NASA kids club Incredible platform for activities kids would engage with and learn from.         5. Nova Over five million monthly views on PBS stations in the U.S, Nova is well known as everything science documentary website. View rich online science videos for a deeper understanding of scientific topics.           6.  National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a resourceful website by the U.S government that offers tremendous researche
What Can be Done to  Permanently  Eradicate Unemployment and Poverty From Nigeria? Do you think it’s possible for unemployment and poverty to be completely effaced out from Nigeria? Some may think that it’s only God that can do that. How can permanent poverty eradication be possible? They wonder. A number of government regimes have tried, and poverty is even worse, so who would solve the problem? What would the person use to eradicate poverty? They ask. However, be assured that humans through reformation of their school system had conquered severe cases of these problems elsewhere, and we can conquer ours. If one or more of these thoughts are going on in your mind, well, why not give yourself benefit of the doubt? Read this article, and even though you disagree with the message, what stops you from commenting on how baseless the idea is? By commenting, people would see your viewpoint and some would agree with you. I will also compliment your idea even if I may not agree with y

Terrorism, Senseless killings, Boko Haram, What is the way forward for Nigeria?

Terrorism, Senseless killings, Boko Haram , What is the way forward for Nigeria? No one can say for certain when humans began to kill each other, but logic tells that humans' population has been a major factor why people kill others. Studies of the primitive people who live with little or no civilization and in small groups show that they hardly kill themselves.  Some other primitive people who are many in population and who have neighbors are usually found to be fighting each other so as to defend their territories, and such squabble usually leads to the death of one or more people. There are historical facts that tell of how more populous people of the past engaged in warfare mainly for the purposes of territorial defense and territorial expansion. Scuffles for territory which led to warfare also led to the invention of different war tools, artilleries, ammunition, and war tactics. Human invented terrible ways to kill members of their own species as well as cause