
Quality education increases economic output

Quality education increases economic output We will take a look at factors that increase economic output.Also those that negatively affect employment and productivity which lowers economic output, then the ways high-quality education develops skilful  masses who add great value to economic development. Factors that increase economic output include: 1. Sound economic policies on fiscal and monetary economic decisions help to develop a nation's economy.Fiscal policies are ways the federal government increases or decreases it spending so as to encourage consumption in recessionary times, or to reduce consumption in inflationary times. Government opens up the economy and increase spending when the economy tilts toward recession.Such move helps the economy to recover back to normal. When the economy begins to move toward inflation, quick policies of reduced spending mop up the extra money in circulation and the economy returns back to normal. Fiscal policies alone are not enough. Moneta

Quality education lowers income inequality

Image by  Joseph V M  from  Pixabay   Quality education lowers income inequality Over 90 million Nigerians are living below poverty line.That is about half of the population.Income gap is very wide between the rich and the poor creating income inequality. What is income inequality? How is poor quality education the root of Income inequality? How can high-quality education be used to close income inequality gap? What is income inequality? Poverty is a painful reality staring right at everyone one of us. It's seen on our neighborhood, on our streets, and on every aspect of our lives. The have nots is increasing daily. World recent report has it that more people in sub-Saharan Africa would slip into poverty. This means more people, especially in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, will become poor. As many Nigerians are struggling to make end meet some few Nigerians are very rich. Their monthly income is well over a million Naira. That is, the rich Nigerians earn 67 times mo

Quality Education Lowers Poverty

  Image by  Pintera Studio  from  Pixabay Quality Education Lowers Poverty Wherever you see lack of economic development and poverty, you will see poor quality education. And where there is economic development, high quality education is there. This is not a coincidence; it is just a natural phenomenon. This is so because the outcome of background quality education results in economic development as the people have multiple skills to increase economic output level.   Poor Quality Education is a brother to Poverty   World poorest people live in the Sub-Saharan Africa and they are the worst educated people. Schools in this region lack vital resources to make them top quality academics. Teachers are poorly trained and receive poor welfare; learning and teaching materials are poor; the teaching method and teaching framework are not up-to-date; parent can barely afford the cost for quality education.                                                                                            

Quality Education Means High Income

By aroblesgalit from Pixaby Quality Education Means High Income Primary reason why people go to school is to better their well-being by having good jobs, earn well, live comfortable, and enjoy success. Quality education help people to achieve all these. A person with high-quality education hardly become jobless. For quality education develops ones’ ability to have high-in-demand skills, enjoy top job posts, explore creativity and business ventures, and add to the society’s economic development. Quality education develops ones’ ability and capacity to possess high-in-demand skills. Mere education does not develop quality skills to its receivers, but quality education develops top demand skills. Qualitatively educated individuals are generally skilful. It becomes easier for such individuals to earn income through various methods. Imagine, for instance, a BSc degree graduate of electronics engineering, whom we call Sonia. She lives in a community where quality education is a norm. Sonia h

Is Quality Education the Solution to Nigeria’s Problem?

Hush Naidoo  ON Unsplash and  Tumisu By Pixaby   Is Quality Education the Solution to Nigeria’s Problem? Ninety-nine percent of Nigerians will say no to this question. I don’t think so, I don’t think so … quality education is not the solution to Nigeria’s problem, you’re saying. People say that our problem stems from poor leadership, but how are good leaders made? How are good followers made? What background activity churns out good leaders and good followers?   Nigerians believe that poor leadership is our problem and not quality education   The believe that good leadership is the solution to our problem is wide-spread, People point to years of bad leadership, of corrupt politicians, who siphon our common treasury to themselves and their cronies as the reason why Nigeria is in this terrible sate. They reason that good leaders who are honest, loyal, hard-working, visionary, and strict would undo the problems we face, and make Nigeria a great nation. Other nations with great leaders do

Pretending that 'it's well' can lead to what terrible consequences?

Random Institute   on Unsplash Pretending that 'it's well' can lead to what terrible consequences? Ostrich-like behaviour is when people avoid to face or tackle a problem and prefer to hid under the pretence that 'it's well'. Like ostrich that hides its head into the sand when chased as it thinks that it has hidden away from its pursuer, many Nigerians would rather play defence than attack problems. It's time for action It's time to quit playing the ostrich and face the issue of poor-quality education head-on and solve this problem once-for-all. Well, if nothing is done, the consequences of doing nothing would keep increasing to the point that we are forced to take action to survive.Its time to look at the mirror and blame what we see. This post hammers deep into our consciousness the need to face the problem and defeat it . We will see some terrible outcomes of doing nothing such as: the consequences of overpopulation; consequences of social injustice w

Why Are Nigerians Not Talking About the Poor Quality of Education in The Country?

terimakasih0, Pixabay. Why Are Nigerians Not Talking About the Poor Quality of Education in The Country? Virgin land remains virgin until it becomes popular. Same with ideas, invention, innovation, etc. No one talk about a new thing until it becomes widespread. So, Nigeria not covering news of the terrible state of the education means that the subject is an unexplored territory. This subject should no longer seat unexplored. Let dust be raised; let Nigerians be aware of the problem; let Nigerians take the issue of less-quality education important not to dwell on frivolities. News About Quality Is Not Raising Dust in Nigeria. Obviously, the news about the standard of education in Nigeria is not raising dust and no one is talking about it. National dailies, TV channels, radio stations, online news outlets, journalists, educationists, among other individuals or publicity institutions who suppose to place the matter of poor-standard of education in Nigeria are not seein