Quality Education Lowers Poverty

Quality education lowers poverty


Image by Pintera Studio from Pixabay

Quality Education Lowers Poverty

Wherever you see lack of economic development and poverty, you will see poor quality education. And where there is economic development, high quality education is there. This is not a coincidence; it is just a natural phenomenon. This is so because the outcome of background quality education results in economic development as the people have multiple skills to increase economic output level.


Poor Quality Education is a brother to Poverty


World poorest people live in the Sub-Saharan Africa and they are the worst educated people. Schools in this region lack vital resources to make them top quality academics. Teachers are poorly trained and receive poor welfare; learning and teaching materials are poor; the teaching method and teaching framework are not up-to-date; parent can barely afford the cost for quality education.                                                                                                                               

In this kind of situation, people in this region will hardly lift themselves out of poverty. The circle will just continue -- poor quality of education leading to poverty and economic deprivation and this condition leads to even more poorer quality education.      


High Quality Education is an enemy to Poverty


Poor quality education happens to be a brother to poverty, and high quality education proves to be an enemy of poverty. Europe was a poor continent in AD 1000. At that time, education level was poor and its quality was also poor, and by AD 2000, Europe had become a mostly affluent nation despite that it age two terrible World-Wars. Some of the worlds happiest people are found in this continent and they are qualitatively educated. Asia is on the path of becoming economic power center of the world, and China is leading the pack in this regard. Take a look at China’s or a better look at Asia’s education system. You’ll see quality.


China and Singapore are leading the world on the mathematics Olympiad competition yearly. Both China and Singapore were regarded as third-world countries in as little as forty years back, but today, they are mid-range countries with a strong expansion vision.                       

Both nations are at the position they are now not because they suddenly awaken from their consciousness, or that their leaders suddenly become good people, but their education sector went through intense reformation. The education reforms result in academies producing high-skilled masses who apply their skills and knowledge in economic development of their nation.


Multiple Skills from High Quality Education System Result in Increased Financial Freedom

Productivity is the only path to high income and financial freedom. When people produce more goods and services, they earn higher income. And for people to produce more goods and services, they must have the knowledge of how to produce. Here is where high-quality education plays a huge role.

High quality education helps its receivers to be competent at what they do. They can competently produce products and services in all area of life. Is it engineering, medical, business, art, sports, travel, law, and on, they are competently trained and performs excellently well.

As poor quality education sends in poverty, high quality education chases poverty away by giving multiple skills to its receivers.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.

Paul Nwosu


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