Pretending that 'it's well' can lead to what terrible consequences?

Pretending that all is well
Random Institute  on Unsplash

Pretending that 'it's well' can lead to what terrible consequences?

Ostrich-like behaviour is when people avoid to face or tackle a problem and prefer to hid under the pretence that 'it's well'. Like ostrich that hides its head into the sand when chased as it thinks that it has hidden away from its pursuer, many Nigerians would rather play defence than attack problems.

It's time for action

It's time to quit playing the ostrich and face the issue of poor-quality education head-on and solve this problem once-for-all. Well, if nothing is done, the consequences of doing nothing would keep increasing to the point that we are forced to take action to survive.Its time to look at the mirror and blame what we see.

This post hammers deep into our consciousness the need to face the problem and defeat it . We will see some terrible outcomes of doing nothing such as: the consequences of overpopulation; consequences of social injustice which leads to increased crime rate and terrorism; the consequences of environmental degradation; consequences of continued economic underdevelopment.

No more hiding behind our palms

It is far more better to play more attacking role less defensive than more defensive less attacking. We must not continue on defending for we're literally being walloped.It's time to attack by engaging challenging issues and trash them.

Nigeria is not well and won't be until the problem of of poor quality of the education is solved. This is the root of all problems perplexing us, and when it's solved, the other problems would get solved also. Some problems would vanish automatically when the poor education system problem is rectified.

The more the problem is ignored, the degree of its consequences increases

The consequences of not taking action is increasing daily. Imagine how the nation would have handled the corona virus pandemic if its citizens had received rigorous training on problems solving. Our research institutions would have sprung to action and join the developed nations to create vaccine. Our government would have sprung to action to provide palliative to every citizens who needed it without hassles. Nigeria could have supplied the world with medical experience and even donated to other less privileged nations. Luckily, we have climate that seems to snuffle life out of the virus, the country would have experienced worst hit of the virus globally.

The consequences of population explosion

Apart from our inability to tackle complex medical issues like the pandemic, our inaction on education quality results to not handling population explosion problem effectively. We are experiencing exponential growth rate of population of over 2%. This means that ten years ago, we were 158 million, and twenty years ago, we were 121 million. Now, we are edging above 200 million; thus, by 2050 we will double if we continue at this rate of population growth.

We are presently in deep poverty, then imagine how horrible we will get when over 400 million mouths needs to be feed. Then Thomas Richard Malthus' theory of starvation being an element nature uses to force down population increase which already is happening will get worst in the future. As population is exceeding the resources to care for its population a good number of the populace die of starvation yearly. Food price keep going high as demands for food is exceeding supply. People eat less than the quantity they should, and due to poor nutrition in their diet, they easily succumb to sickness.

Increase level of social injustice, increase crime and terrorism.

As the people's daily needs continue to decrease, crime and terrorism rise. The majority of the population live below world poverty line while few of the citizens are unbelievably wealthy. Such wide income disparity is a sure social injustice hotbed. It is equally a fertile environment for thugs to breed and become public menace. For example, the underlying social injustice in the north bred almajiri kids who happen to become the fuel that blazes the terrorism inferno. This would not have happened if appropriate action was taken on the quality education system.

Consequences of environmental degradation

Environmental decay is another serious consequences of not tackling poor quality education system menace. With high rise of population, and poor management of the natural environment, the environment is subjected to degradation. Forest tress are cut and no replanting of new ones resulting to exposure of the rich in nutrient soil to erosion.
Soon, desert encroaches forcing people who live in the environment to migrate.
By migrating, they move to areas where other people live and the result is nasty -- communal clash, herdsmen killing farmers, invasion of the south by the north, and so on.

Consequences of continuous economic underdevelopment

Ignoring the implications of pursuing quality standard education results to the continuous underdevelopment of the economy. Our economy is not on the path of sound economic development. Policies and political decisions at times have strong negative consequences on the economy. For example, the recent decision to close border for the importation of rice for the purpose of encouraging local production. The outcome of the decision results in high smuggling activities of the product, less availability of quality local product, and lost of taxable income by the government.

If the education system is producing skilful people, scientists would have developed the farm sector. Areas for rice cultivation would have advanced research institutions where deep studies on commercial rice production would be ongoing.

The goal of the research institutions would be to produce quality seedings for farmers; ensuring that the right soil is used for planting; ensuring that the climatic conditions of the rice producing farms are suitable; having knowledge of proper harvesting, storing, and multiple utilization of rice product. The market for rice would go from primary production and consumption to tertiary consumption. This way local product would be high valuable that it can easily establish itself in the competition.

Rice production in a highly technological method is an aspect where quality education would have developed a part of our farm sector.Other areas of development would have been the infrastructural development of cities, towns, and villages. Like it's happening in United Arab Emirate, Dubai, where advancement is astonishing. They have successfully turned a huge part of desert into lush vegetation. People all over the world love to travel to see such a marvel. That means revenue through tourism to the nation.

Dubai's example provides a clear case in point of how high quality school system can turn an unpleasant natural environment, like the desert, into an economic enclave. Obviously, ignoring quality education leads to lost of economic development which inevitably leads to wide income gap between the haves and not haves. The rich gets richer and the poor gets poorer.

National economic development stalls and declines making unemployment to rise which provides room for corruption to become prevalent.Crime rises as many of the citizens found it easier to engage in unscrupulous activities.

We can no longer sit and watch by playing defense while our environment collapses for the terrible consequences of 'it's well' is apparently too much for us to bear. It's time to take action and undo the present system by making high quality education a priority.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.

Paul Nwosu,


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