Can internet-based education be the answer to poor quality of education in Nigeria?

Can internet-based education be the answer to poor quality of education in Nigeria? 

Online education is an internet-based learning model. All the learning is done over the internet with a computer system. Classes could be taken on a personal Moodle or learning portal where students receive learning materials and submit assignments on.

The number of institutions offering online education are on the increase at never before seen. Many traditional institutions now have online extension for either complete online education or partly online education. From pre-school classes to complete university education can be found on the internet. For example, Thepreschoollearningcenter,  University of the people, amongst others.

Apart from normal academic education, vocational, supplemental, and personal learning platforms are in abundant offering varied skills and knowledge on the internet such as: online graphics design boot camp, diys websites, among others. A number of these learning platforms offer certificates which can be easily incorporated into ones resumes.

These have provided amazing opportunities to Nigerians who want to be educated qualitatively with hands-on experiments. Many are taking courses on these platforms. They apply the knowledge they gain to increase their chance of employment, climbing the career ladder, personal development, and like me, to run profitable businesses.

How much can online schooling affect traditional education? Online education is gradually gaining ground. Though it is not as popular as the traditional education model, it's however, growing in popularity. The more the online education gain momentum, the more the traditional model lose its popularity. As it is presently that the traditional schools are on lockdown, but the online education is on and increasing in popularity.

If this phenomena growth of online education continue, what will eventually happen to the traditional education in Nigeria? The chance is that the traditional education model might naturally die off in the long run. However, the online education model must grow strong and big that it does better than the traditional education. The fact is that online education model has a pretty long way to go and its quality must be standardized in such a way that it accommodates every student no matter their geographical location, economic status, etc.

Could online education lead to global high-quality education? In a way, yes. The more standardized this education model becomes, the more it imbibes quality learning to every student worldwide. Nevertheless, this would take long time and enormous intelligent planning which seems not in place currently. Thus, traditional institutions still have a chance to gain better by becoming hybrid as it seamlessly integrates online programs/methods.

The internet education method do provide answer to quality education, but it is much limited and very under-developed. Traditional education must merge with online model and become hybrid or else it would be swept away in the long-run.

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