What Plans are there for the upcoming generation?

What Plans are there for the upcoming generation?

It is easy to dismiss the importance of having a future plan.Few Nigerians have plan for the future. In a post on Facebook that threw a question directed to Nigerian women asking for opinion on what would likely be of their men in the next 10-15 years.Many responded with vague statements and religious influenced statements like, it will be well with him; he will become rich; God knows what will happen in the future. Those are typical response a Nigerian will give when it comes to issues pertaining to the future, and just like many Nigerians, those individuals do not think about the future, and they do not know that they have a major role to play to determine their own future. Just like the citizens, the government have no long term plan for the future.

The government seems not to understand the value of budgeting or planning.Our politicians could approve budget several months into the implementation date of the budget. Think about it a little. A budget tells how much have been estimated for all the expenditures the country would make for a specific period of time. The piece of financial statement ought to be followed so as to curb unnecessary expenses which would lead to the nation incurring deficits. Following the budget helps the nation to achieve its long term objectives. But in this case, the government would run expenses without following budgeted plan. What plan for the future does such a government have?

Apart from delayed budget, they bloat figures so as to pad in extra funds in the budget. For example, the 2020 budget had an unrealistic revenue projection of $58 per barrel of oil when the international oil market was crashing. By the time oil price finally crashed to below $20 per barrel, the government was forced to quickly review and readjust the budget to current reality.

Then when it comes to strategically setting plan for how the country will be in the 10, 20, 50, or even 100 years time, the country have no such framework.

A country that plans for the future would set up attainable goals years ahead that whatever reality befalls the nation, it would pull through without being overwhelmed.A nation that puts its thinking cap on and plan for the future will not depend on one natural resource for its revenue generation, it would diversify and explore various opportunities especially on the area of human capita development.

If Nigeria does not have concrete plan for the future, what is the hope for the babies, and the upcoming generation? As it is heard often, if one does not plan to succeed, the person plans to fail. If there is no framework by the government to set and reach out for goals, then the environment would continue to deal harshly with the people.

History repeats itself when one fails to learn from history. Clearly, the country is not learning from history, and history is repeating itself. Kids grow in a hopeless environment, embrace the hopeless reality and produce children who would find themselves in the same hopeless reality. Who is going to break this unfortunate circle?

The circle can only be broken forever by the establishment of high-quality education system. The system would equip students with vital skills and knowledge to set plans for their goals and objectives.

They would be trained to know how to achieve long-term goal by strategically working on short-term goals. Setting plans for themselves as well as for the nation would be a priority activity for the well-educated students.

Without a solid background of high-quality education, Nigeria can never plan for the future, and the upcoming generation will never have hope, and the circle will never be broken.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course


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