Is Quality Education the Solution to Nigeria’s Problem?

Is Poor quality education or Poor Leadership Nigeria's problem?

Hush Naidoo ON Unsplash and Tumisu By Pixaby


Is Quality Education the Solution to Nigeria’s Problem?

Ninety-nine percent of Nigerians will say no to this question. I don’t think so, I don’t think so … quality education is not the solution to Nigeria’s problem, you’re saying. People say that our problem stems from poor leadership, but how are good leaders made? How are good followers made? What background activity churns out good leaders and good followers?


Nigerians believe that poor leadership is our problem and not quality education


The believe that good leadership is the solution to our problem is wide-spread, People point to years of bad leadership, of corrupt politicians, who siphon our common treasury to themselves and their cronies as the reason why Nigeria is in this terrible sate. They reason that good leaders who are honest, loyal, hard-working, visionary, and strict would undo the problems we face, and make Nigeria a great nation.

Other nations with great leaders do amazingly well, so also, if Nigeria happened to have great leaders the nation would be great they reason. Are you in the same school of thought? No doubt you may be. It’s time to reason.


Good Leaders Establish Quality Education, and Quality Education Creates Good Leaders


Good leaders cannot strive under bad followers, for bad followers cannot produce good leaders. Good followers produce good leaders, and bad leaders cannot strive under good followers. Nigeria as a democratic republic elects its leaders. Even when the nation was a military ruled country, where leaders snatch power or were appointed by the head of state, the leaders were from among the followers. Tackling a bad leadership problem is a question of creating masses of good followers.

To produce good followers, who are aware; who are ready to tackle perplexing issues; who are critical thinkers; who are creative problem solvers; quality education has to be available, affordable, and accessible to every citizen. Such education begins from infancy and run life-long.

Background Quality Education Continuously Churn Out Good Leaders and Good Followers


Children who would grow up to make up the followers and where few among them would represent the others in the helm of leadership need to be properly brought up. They need to receive high quality education right from infancy up to their adulthood. The education needs to be encompassing, deep and substantially rich in information, material, and hands-on experiment. Such education has to build into the citizens the importance working hard to build a great nation through their actions with one another and with the environment they live in. Each of the citizens would have to be adequately trained with skills and knowledge that resonates with their disposition and talents. So as they apply their skills they inevitably help to build the nation.

As the kids grow and become young adults, they are better aware and skillful people who take part in various community projects and activities. They would have to ask question when something is wrong and find out why of issues. Some among them would be community leaders and lead by example. They will use their writing skills to attack politicians who are not serious with their duties.

By the time the young-adults become full adults, they would have been grounded with the society’s activities. They know how a proper society works and they are eager to make their community better than they met it and by extension give the earth a healing.


Nigeria’s Problem Can Only Be Solved by The Existence of Quality Education of the Citizens/Followers Through Whom Good Leaders Emerge From


The leaders among them would focus on the betterment of others; the well-being of the less privileged; the beautification of their community through aesthetic architectural development. They will just be good leaders as they are from the background good followers.

Thus, the solution to Nigeria’s problem has to do with good and quality education which produces good followers/citizens, and the citizens produce good leaders who endeavor to make the society a great one.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.

Paul Nwosu


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