Quality Education Means High Income

Quality education means high income
By aroblesgalit from Pixaby

Quality Education Means High Income

Primary reason why people go to school is to better their well-being by having good jobs, earn well, live comfortable, and enjoy success. Quality education help people to achieve all these. A person with high-quality education hardly become jobless. For quality education develops ones’ ability to have high-in-demand skills, enjoy top job posts, explore creativity and business ventures, and add to the society’s economic development.

Quality education develops ones’ ability and capacity to possess high-in-demand skills.

Mere education does not develop quality skills to its receivers, but quality education develops top demand skills. Qualitatively educated individuals are generally skilful. It becomes easier for such individuals to earn income through various methods.

Imagine, for instance, a BSc degree graduate of electronics engineering, whom we call Sonia. She lives in a community where quality education is a norm. Sonia had undergone vigorous training on this field, and this training has given her the skills to work on complex electronic devices that a firm producing these devices employs her.

Let’s assume she lives in U.S, and she earns between $70-80 thousand per year. She can also earn side income through freelancing, blogging, ghost writing, books publishing. Using her other developed skills, Sonia could still earn income by offering graphic design jobs on the internet; she could use her analytical skills to invest in stocks, bonds, and other financial securities. Like Sonia, people with high quality education not only possess multiple skills, they earn higher income than people with low skills.

High-Skilled People Create Jobs as Entrepreneurs and Run Big Businesses

Highly educated people are prepared to run businesses as entrepreneurs. They utilize their skills to solve problems. It is easier for them to set up business ventures around what they know how to do. For example, a well trained student of business administration can successfully set up and run businesses. As well-educated people set-up businesses, they tend to employ people like themselves, and by so doing, they create jobs.

When more people are well-educated more jobs are created and more people are employed. High employment rate leads to economic development of a country. Quality education is the background activity that leads to high income for workers, Thus, the better skills individuals offer, the higher their income level.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.

Paul Nwosu


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