Quality education lowers income inequality

Image by Joseph V M from Pixabay 

Quality education lowers income inequality

Over 90 million Nigerians are living below poverty line.That is about half of the population.Income gap is very wide between the rich and the poor creating income inequality. What is income inequality? How is poor quality education the root of Income inequality? How can high-quality education be used to close income inequality gap?

What is income inequality?

Poverty is a painful reality staring right at everyone one of us. It's seen on our neighborhood, on our streets, and on every aspect of our lives. The have nots is increasing daily. World recent report has it that more people in sub-Saharan Africa would slip into poverty. This means more people, especially in Nigeria, the most populous country in Africa, will become poor.

As many Nigerians are struggling to make end meet some few Nigerians are very rich. Their monthly income is well over a million Naira. That is, the rich Nigerians earn 67 times more than the average poor Nigerians. Such a wide difference in income gap is huge and the less than ten percent rich Nigerians accumulates over 80% of the income to themselves. This is a terrible case of income inequality.

How is poor quality education the root of income inequality?

The high poverty rate in Nigeria ought not be considering that the country is a resource rich nation. So why is there this huge income gap? The same very problem perplexing the leadership...poor-quality of our education system.

The system that fail to give students multiple skills; the system that fail to give students critical thinking and problem-solving skills is the reason why many who leave the education system cannot create jobs. As low-skill labor is what such students can only afford, how can they generate high revenues to earn high income with low skill labor? So they got what paid what they worth.

Use high-quality education to close the income inequality gap

Schools that give students high skills is the only solution to this problem. As people's skills become sophisticated, they can easily generate more wealth into the common pool from which they would be paid better. Minimum wage can naturally rise as there is more fund in the pool to go round.But as it is, people can't expect much from the low-skilled labor they offer.Thus, they can only live as they worth.
Low-skilled labor force is the reason for the income inequality gap in Nigeria and this situation can be changed by making our schools high-skills imbibing institutions.until Nigerians arm themselves with high-skills, income inequality gap will continue to widen; poverty would continue to rise, and Nigeria, a resource rich nation, would continue to be a poor country.

New Generation Idea Community is concept that aims at revealing the culprit of our situation via writing, blogging, building communities of like minds, formulation of actionable plan to establish high-quality school system. Therefore, feel free to join the community. Order books from us to support our course.

By Paul Nwosu


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